
Re: Hague 1980 return order

Japan Times reported the case.
U.K. orders child back to Japan under Hague Convention
First Japanese returned under newly inked abduction treaty
JUL 29, 2014
A court in the United Kingdom has ordered that a Japanese child living with its mother in Britain be returned to Japan under The Hague Convention on cross-border parental child abduction, which took effect in Japan in April, sources said Tuesday.
According to Hirotaka Honda, a lawyer representing the father...
“I welcome the appropriate judgment,” Honda told The Japan Times. “Without The Hague Convention, I believe that the way to raise the child was made only by the mother’s decision.”
posted by hirotaka at 09:35| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 日記


2014年7月22日(現地),ロンドン高等法院家族法部にて,イングランドから日本へのハーグ条約(1980年)による返還命令を得ることができました。イングランドでは,ドーソン・コーンウェル法律事務所 Dawson Cornwell のアンマリー・ハチンソン弁護士(ソリシタ solicitor) Anne-Marie Hutchinson OBEが代理人として申立てを行いました。


My client got a return order from England & Wales to Japan by Judge Finnerty in the High Court of Justice famiy Division in London pursuant to the Hague Convention on the Civil Asppects of International Child Abduction. Anne-Marie Hutchinson OBE of Dawson Cornwell issued the application and did everything as his solicitor. I really appreciate hard work of her and her team. It was very exciting to work with her for the client.
posted by hirotaka at 19:16| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 日記